Creelman Exam Questions

Creelman Exam Questions (2024 Edition): Mathematics Applications ATAR Course Units 3 and 4

by Shanahan Mooney
ISBN: 978-1-74098-350-1

2024 Edition NOW Available.

Key Features

  1. Maths Applications ATAR exam preparation
  2. Actual Maths Applications WACE questions from past 6 years
  3. Arranged in topics from the Maths Applications syllabus to aid revision
  4. Marks allocation to guide your time management
  5. Model answers to assess Maths Applications knowledge and potential performance
  6. Essential Syllabus for each chapter topic assigned to relevant quesitons to ensure you understand the various question formats used in exams
  7. Tips and Tricks in each chpater providing examiner insight on usefuel pointers to earn top marks

The Maths Applications Creelman Exam Questions provides a structured resource, using the actual Maths Applications WACE exam questions from the previous six years to help you prepare for your ATAR exams. This format ensures you become familiar with all the Maths Applications ATAR syllabus and the actual questions asked by the Maths Applications examiners. The exam questions are grouped into syllabus topics, to give you vital help by practicing real exam questions. Model answers and marks allocation help you monitor your progress. By following this revision pattern, you will be able to face your Maths Applications exams with confidence.

The Creelman Exam Questions series follows the format developed by Andrew Creelman. The format was based on his experience as a student and teacher. “It was my practice in preparing for exams to go through the last few years of exams and group the questions into topics to gain an understanding of the type of questions asked, the frequency of questions in certain areas and to get an insight into what the examiners were looking for. This focused my exam preparation and I went into exams well prepared.”

Maths Applications teachers - The questions in these books can be adapted in multiple ways to cater for the needs of your students. For example, a chapter could be assigned after completion of the relevant topics in class to test student learning. Alternatively, you may decide to assign selected questions as homework exercises throughout the year. By retaining copies of their books with their own solutions, students can also refer to their work in the leadup to the final exams, making notes about their strengths and weaknesses in each topic. By including this resource on your school booklist you are enabling your students to have the best exam preparation available to them.

About the Author

Shanahan Mooney has been an educator for 20 years and is currently the Head of Mathematics at Como Secondary College. He has been the author of two other titles in Mathematics Education.

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