Key Features
1. ATAR exam preparation
2. Clear, easy-to-follow examples
3. Comprehensive set of revision and review questions
4. Problems at test/examination level
5. Fully worked solutions
Mathematics Methods Revision Series Units 3 & 4 provides a comprehensive set of revision/review questions for the year 12 Mathematics Methods Units 3 & 4 course. The review questions are written at ATAR examination level for both the Calculator Free and Calculator Assumed Sections and presented in a write-on format in topical order.
This book exposes students to questions and problems at ATAR examination level. These questions are suitable for end-of-topic reviews and pre-test and pre-examination reviews. It is accompanied by a set of fully worked solutions with which students can measure their solutions.
About the Author
Dr O.T Lee is an author of many text books, including ATAR Maths Methods Yr 11 & 12, ATAR Maths Specialist Yr 11 & 12 as well as Revision Series for ATAR Maths Applications Yr 12, ATAR Math Methods Yr 11 & 12 and ATAR Math Specialist Yr 11 & 12, which are used extensively in WA schools. Dr Lee is an exceptional, insightful teacher with wide-ranging experience as a WACE marker.